On Family and Business
I've been meaning to start a blog for some time, and not because everyone else is doing it or that I feel I have to share my life with the world. It's really my desire to start and engage a dialogue about a special topic for me: copywriting and marketing.
Now there are many others out there with some of my experiences, expertise, and goals. But there's nobody else in the world who has all the combined knowledge as me, and has experienced the exact same successes and failures. The same is true of you.
I think the only thing that's been holding me back on doing this blog has been how extraordinarily busy I've been for a while now. Or so I thought.
I recently had some issues come between my family life and my business life. They've caused me to put everything on hold temporarily to focus on my family. I've always believed family comes first, and it's times like these that really make you stop and think just how important my family is to me.
But it also caused me to think about my business a little differently--That there's nothing so important in business that you can't cease all activity under the right circumstances. And this situation would certainly apply.
So while my operations are on hold, I had this nagging feeling that I should start putting down in words some of the experiences I've been going through as of late. And that now would be a good time to finally get that blog up and running.
And so while you'll occasionally hear me rant or talk about whatever's on my mind, this blog in the long run is going to allow me to share with you some of my successes and failures in business as well, and copywriting and marketing in particular.
Who knows? If it helps even one soul out there, it's worth it to me.
And as this thing gets going, I'm hoping other like-minded individuals can share some of their successes and failures with me.
But this won't be some pie-in-the-sky theoretical mumbo-jumbo. It will be about proven marketing techniques and strategies that either I have personally benefited from, or things I have learned from others...others who also have been in the trenches seeing what works and what doesn't.
So no big lesson on anything today with respect to marketing. That will be for another day.
Instead, today is a day I will reflect back on as I go back and reread this post in the future.
And if there's any sort of message from me to you today, it's to embrace your family. Be there for them. Don't let business get in the way. Life really is too short to see it pass you by in a heartbeat.
Now there are many others out there with some of my experiences, expertise, and goals. But there's nobody else in the world who has all the combined knowledge as me, and has experienced the exact same successes and failures. The same is true of you.
I think the only thing that's been holding me back on doing this blog has been how extraordinarily busy I've been for a while now. Or so I thought.
I recently had some issues come between my family life and my business life. They've caused me to put everything on hold temporarily to focus on my family. I've always believed family comes first, and it's times like these that really make you stop and think just how important my family is to me.
But it also caused me to think about my business a little differently--That there's nothing so important in business that you can't cease all activity under the right circumstances. And this situation would certainly apply.
So while my operations are on hold, I had this nagging feeling that I should start putting down in words some of the experiences I've been going through as of late. And that now would be a good time to finally get that blog up and running.
And so while you'll occasionally hear me rant or talk about whatever's on my mind, this blog in the long run is going to allow me to share with you some of my successes and failures in business as well, and copywriting and marketing in particular.
Who knows? If it helps even one soul out there, it's worth it to me.
And as this thing gets going, I'm hoping other like-minded individuals can share some of their successes and failures with me.
But this won't be some pie-in-the-sky theoretical mumbo-jumbo. It will be about proven marketing techniques and strategies that either I have personally benefited from, or things I have learned from others...others who also have been in the trenches seeing what works and what doesn't.
So no big lesson on anything today with respect to marketing. That will be for another day.
Instead, today is a day I will reflect back on as I go back and reread this post in the future.
And if there's any sort of message from me to you today, it's to embrace your family. Be there for them. Don't let business get in the way. Life really is too short to see it pass you by in a heartbeat.
Thanks, Bob.
Glad you are enjoying it so far! I'm just getting going.
While I'm no marketing guru or anything, I've studied a lot from a lot of direct marketing and copywriting experts, and have begun to finally be able to separate the good stuff from the junk.
So think of me as a filter, insulating you from the junk, and only passing along the stuff that has given me and others I know positive results.
And who knows...we'll see where this leads.
Best Regards,
John Ritskowitz
John Ritskowitz, at 3:17 PM
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